Saturday, November 28, 2009

Why Blog?

Why blog?

I think blogging is a good experience for all collage students to know. Blogging introduced collage students to podcasting and videocast. By blogging it is a great way for self expression. It is also educational, enlightening as well as, a great way for students to communicate with other students around the world.

The EDM 310 class was my first time to blog. It gave me the chance to talk with children all over the world. I really enjoy posting blogs to all the different children. I think that they looked forward every week for our responses to their blogs.

Over all blogging was exciting and the best way to help keep me technologically in tune with the ever changing world. I honestly never heard of blogging intill I took this class. But I must say I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

Here are some examples of why blogging can be beneficial. One example is a little girl named Kaia. I thought this one was an amazing story because of the way her father took time to post his daughter's work on a blog. Even though she is only 3 years old, she shares her story as well as pictures on her blog for anyone to view. A second example would be Mrs. Hines and her blog post on technology in the classroom. Mrs. Hines had a lot of comments and gave good advice and suggestions for future teachers and possibly students. A third example is Mr. McClung, he showed how blogging can be a learning experience for students. His blog can help those who are scared to teach and for teachers who are over whelmed with their classroom. By reading his experiences can give encouragement as well as good advice for teachers.

Dr. Strange wrote some post about why we should blog. Here is a list:
Your comment for kids is having an impact by Dorthy Burt in New Zealand
If you are not convinced about blogging and commenting read this
The Benefits of using blogs in the Classroom
Kaia and Room 10


  1. I think that blogging is great. It's especially helpful for teachers because they can communicate very easily with other teachers and get advice, opinions, and knowledge. I am glad that Dr. Strange familiarized us with it!

  2. Now that I've done this semester for the first time I love it and I believe that it is a great tool for teaching.
